Scheduling Videos
Scheduling Preferences
- Scheduling the same volunteer on multiple (but not all) services in a week
- Avoid conflicts by disabling profile request forms while scheduling
- Using the preferred serving frequency setting on a "by ministry" basis
- How can I ensure that people are not scheduled two weeks in a row?
- How can I allow volunteers to be scheduled for two positions at one service?
- How does the "This ministry may be scheduled in combination with..." option work?
Scheduling Families
- How do I ensure that a family is always scheduled together?
- How do I ensure that family members are not scheduled at different times on the same weekend?
- Making sure one parent or family member is not scheduled when another one is scheduled
- Add a can't serve time to an entire family at once
- Allow some families to be split up in ministries that are marked to have families always scheduled together
- Can I schedule whole families in one position instead of just a single volunteer?
Creating a Schedule
- Manually scheduling volunteers
- How do I schedule volunteers when the task is not tied to a particular time?
- What happens if I make a schedule "NOT Live"?
- How do I delete a schedule from the Schedules pane?
- How can I tell how a volunteer was placed on the schedule?
- Scheduling ministries for different time periods
- Understanding the auto-scheduler
- Can the auto-scheduler prioritize certain ministries to make sure they are filled first?
- Auto-schedule just particular ministries or service times
- Undo the auto-scheduler
- What is historical scheduling data, and why would I want to clear it (or not)?
- Can I schedule just one ministry at a time?
Distribution Questions
- Using the Distribution Report to add a position for volunteers to maintain balance
- Using the Distribution Report to remove a position for volunteers to maintain balance
- Using the Ministry Distribution Report to ensure a fair distribution of services
- How can I set up MSP so volunteers are more fairly distributed across service times?
- How can I see all the days one particular person was scheduled?
- Why are some people getting scheduled twice before others are scheduled once?
Scheduling Conflicts
Exporting Schedules
- Exporting separate schedules for each ministry
- Can I export a separate schedule for weekend and weekday services?
- Do my volunteers always have to be alphabetized in my exported schedules?
- Can I customize the schedules that are generated to our own special format?
- Can I include phone numbers after the names of my ministers in exported schedules?
- How can I view an exported schedule or roster without Microsoft Word?
Editing Existing Schedules
- Choosing who shows up in the list of volunteers to the right of a schedule
- How can I shorten an existing schedule?
- Can I indicate a service is cancelled without deleting it from the schedule?
- How can I extend a current schedule or add in missing services?
- A guide to MSP's scheduling icons - Flags
- A guide to MSP's scheduling icons