Ever wondered about the row of icons at the top of open MSP schedules? They are designed to provide shortcuts for commonly used scheduling actions. Let's look into what a few of them do!
Person with a green plus sign: Click on any unfilled position and then this icon to add a volunteer to that position in the schedule.
Person with a red "X": Click on any filled position and then this icon to remove a volunteer from that position. You will then see a red NOT FILLED where that volunteer was once listed. You can also click on any unfilled position and then click on this icon to remove that position from a service.
Person with green arrow: Click on any volunteer in the schedule and then this icon to swap the selected volunteer with another qualified volunteer.
Person with a red "X": Click on any filled position and then this icon to remove a volunteer from that position. You will then see a red NOT FILLED where that volunteer was once listed. You can also click on any unfilled position and then click on this icon to remove that position from a service.
Person with green arrow: Click on any volunteer in the schedule and then this icon to swap the selected volunteer with another qualified volunteer.