Distribution Questions
- Using the Distribution Report to add a position for volunteers to maintain balance
- Using the Distribution Report to remove a position for volunteers to maintain balance
- Using the Ministry Distribution Report to ensure a fair distribution of services
- How can I set up MSP so volunteers are more fairly distributed across service times?
- How can I see all the days one particular person was scheduled?
- Why are some people getting scheduled twice before others are scheduled once?
- Why are people getting scheduled for a yearly service that is not one of their preferences?
- Why is a volunteer getting scheduled more frequently than the preferred serving frequency?
- Why was a volunteer scheduled at a service that is not one of their preferences?
- Why are some people scheduled more often than others? The distribution seems unfair.
- There are extra volunteers appearing in my schedule! I require just one volunteer in a certain ministry, but two or three are being scheduled! What is going on?
- What does this symbol mean? (+/-)