Using the Ministry Distribution Report to ensure a fair distribution of services



After creating a schedule you can double check that all volunteers get a fair chance to participate and share their gifts in service by using the Ministry Distribution Report. The report is sortable, allowing you to see at a glance which volunteers were assigned the most positions. You can even adjust the distribution directly from this report, easily assigning more services to ministers with too few or taking away services from ministers with too many.

Viewing the Ministry Distribution Report in the desktop software

  1. From an open schedule, go to the Reports menu
  2. Select "View Ministry Distribution..." 
  3. Click on the heading of a ministry or the word "Total" to arrange the list showing totals in descending order. You can also choose which ministries and / or services to display in the report, as well as choose whether or not to show subdivisions separately, and specify whether to show numbers for this schedule only or for a date range of your choosing:
  4. To give a volunteer an additional position from the distribution report, right-click (or double-click) on the volunteer's name or the number of times scheduled in a particular ministry and select "Add an additional assignment...". This will take you to the schedule in "Place Volunteer" mode so you can find a position on the schedule you want to give to that volunteer.
  5. To remove a volunteer from a position using the distribution report, right-click (or double-click while holding the Ctrl key) on their name or the number of times scheduled in a particular ministry and select "Remove an assignment...". This will take you to the schedule in the "Fill positions" mode, so you can select another volunteer to take their place.

Viewing the Ministry Distribution Report in the Admin view of the Web Terminal

  1. From inside of an open schedule, click on the "Reports" button and select "View Ministry Distribution" from the drop-down menu:
  2. Click on the heading of a ministry or the word "Total" to arrange the list showing totals in descending order. You can also choose which ministries and / or services to display in the report, as well as choose whether or not to show subdivisions separately, and specify whether to show numbers for this schedule only or for a date range of your choosing:
  3. You can then use the information provided in this report to adjust volunteers' assignments as desired.
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