How do I delete a schedule from the Schedules pane?



Once you have 12 schedules in the Schedules pane, MSP will require you delete one before creating a new schedule. 

Before deleting a schedule, it is recommended that you save a local backup copy of the schedule you plan to delete so the data is not lost forever. To save a backup copy of a schedule:

  1. Go to the Schedules pane in MSP, click on the schedule you plan to delete, and hit the “Open schedule” button.
  2. From the open schedule window, hit File, then select “Save a Backup Copy as…” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose a file name and location for your schedule (the file extension will be “.msch”) and click Save.
  4. Close the open schedule window.

Now that we’ve made a backup copy of the schedule in case we need to access it again in the future for any reason, we can delete the schedule:

  1. Go to the Schedules pane in MSP and select the schedule you wish to delete.
  2. Click the “Delete schedule…” button, read the prompt, and click OK to proceed.
  3. You will now see this prompt:

    Since we have already saved a backup copy of the schedule, we can hit Discard here. (If you did not do so earlier, this is the final chance to save this schedule.)

Please note that once you delete a schedule from the schedules pane, the only way to recover it is through disaster recovery, available only for the Plus Edition

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