- Viewing the open report for sent announcements
- Resend an announcement to volunteers for whom it bounced
- How do I send an email to a hand-picked group of volunteers?
- Announcements (videos)
- Viewing responses to polls and RSVPs
- Add attachments to emails
Text (SMS) Messaging
- How can I turn OFF automatic email or SMS reminders?
- Open SMS account for sending text messages to volunteers
- Text volunteers their scheduled dates
- How can I close my text messaging account?
- Send text message reminders to volunteers that specifically request to receive them
- Turn on automatic SMS / text message reminders for volunteers
Automatic Emails
- How do I turn off reminder emails for volunteers who have requested a sub?
- How do I remove a volunteer from automatic emails?
- Automatically send emails about open positions in the coming week
- How can I turn on automatic email reminders?
- How do I know if automatic emails are going out or if a specific volunteer got an automatic email?
- Update the "From" address used for automatic emails