Printing the full schedule for offline volunteers or to post in the church office


Looking to print out the entire schedule to give to volunteers without internet access or post in the church office? 

  1. Starting with the schedule open, go to the File menu and choose Export schedule
  2. Use the menus on the left to customize your export
    Layout Settings allow you to choose how the schedule will be displayed when exported. For a full schedule, we recommend one of the Tabular options, which displays the schedule as a table. 
    Document Settings allow you to choose to format the export as a Word or Excel document. 
    Included Ministries, Services, and Volunteers will determine what information shows on the exported schedule. 
    Name Modifiers allows you to designate specific types of volunteers (such as inactive and subs). 
  3. Once you have adjusted your settings, click "Export Schedule" and save the file to your computer. The file should then open automatically to view. 

We also have a video tutorial for a more in depth look at this topic! 

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