How do I remove a volunteer from automatic emails?



A volunteer can be removed from automatic emails in one of two ways: 

From the Volunteer Profile: 

  1. Go to the Volunteers pane
  2. Select the volunteer from the list and edit the volunteer
  3. Next to their email address, click the arrow button
  4. You will see several options here:
    • Click on "Send automatic email reminders" to remove the check mark next to it and the volunteer will no longer receive email reminders. 
    • Click on "Send swap request emails" to remove the check mark next to it and the volunteer will no longer receive swap request emails. 

From the Web Terminal Settings 

  1. Go to the Web Terminal pane
  2. Click on "Web Terminal settings..."
  3. Choose the following depending on the type of email they no longer want to receive: 
    • Swap Request emails: Go to Swap Requests and choose "But don't send swap request emails to | these volunteers..."
    • Auto Reminders: Go to Auto Reminders and choose "Don't send automatic email reminders to | these volunteers..."
  4. When the list of volunteers appears, click to select the volunteer
  5. Click OK and Commit Changes to save the settings. 
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