Using RSVPs


Are you looking to gather feedback on who is coming to your next vent? RSVPs can be directly embedded into your emails to quickly gather data on who is coming, and who is not. 

Adding an RSVP to your email

  1. Start in the Announcements pane and compose an email Announcement. 
  2. Begin typing your message. When you want to add an RSVP, click the RSVP button on the right.
  3. Now type your question or use the default of "Will you attend?"
    mceclip1.pngYou can optionally click the box if you want volunteers to be able to bring additional guests. 
  4. Click Save and the RSVP will appear in your email. 
  5. Preview and send your email when the message is complete. 

Managing RSVPs

To view and manage responses, start by viewing the sent email in the Announcements pane. 

Viewing and editing results


  1. To see who has responded or update a volunteer's response manually, click "Manage responses" next to the RSVP.
  2. Along the top, you will see a list of how many RSVPed for each answer type. 
  3. Click the response next to a volunteers name to add or edit a response.
  4. Use the search bar at the top to find a specific volunteer's response
  5. Use the mail icon in the upper right to email any volunteers who have not yet responded. 
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