Turn on automatic SMS / text message reminders for volunteers


Automatic SMS / text message reminders help to reduce no shows and keep volunteers who are scheduled at the same service in contact with each other. To get started using SMS/text message reminders:

  1. Go to the Web Terminal pane inside of MSP, and click on the "Web Terminal settings..." button at the top of the Home tab.mceclip0.png
  2. In the new dialog box that opens up, click on the Auto Reminders section.mceclip0.png
  3. Make sure to check the box to send automatic text reminders to your volunteers. If this is the first time you've checked the box, you'll be prompted to go to the License Login page and open an SMS account for your church.
  4. Once you've created your SMS account, configure the rest of the settings for text message reminders as desired.
    You can optionally choose to:
    - only send reminders for certain ministries
    - only send reminders for certain services
    - exclude specific volunteers from receiving text message reminders
    - send text replies to all volunteers at a service, or to all volunteers in the same ministry at a service
    - send replies to a specified cell number
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