Use folders* to organize your Ministries pane and so much more!
Volunteers: Filter by folder
We can use folders to filter volunteers instead of ministries to see all volunteers who are qualified in any ministry within a given folder. To accomplish this:
- Go to the Volunteers pane in MSP and locate the List Options box to the right of our volunteer list.
- Click anywhere inside of the grayed out text box that says “<click to specify>” to the right of the “Are qualified” option.
- Mouse over the folder with which you want to filter, and a drop-down menu will appear to the right of the folder name.
- Click “Any ministry in this folder” to put the filter in place:
Now the Volunteers pane will display a list of only volunteers who are qualified in at least one ministry in the folder we’ve selected. This is useful for viewing a list of all volunteers who serve in a particular category. For example, for churches with more than one location using MSP who utilize folders to organize volunteers by location, this is a quick and easy way to see all volunteers who serve at a particular location.
Schedules: Display only ministries in a specific folder
MSP also can use folders to filter what is shown in an open schedule window. To make use of this filter:
- Go to the Schedules pane, select the schedule you want to view, and click the “Open schedule” button.
- From the open schedule window, click View, mouse over “Focus on ministries”, then mouse over the name of the folder you want to view and click “Focus on this folder”:
Now the open schedule will only display positions for ministries that are in the folder you have selected. This allows us to easily see only the ministries that we need, so that if - for example - we use folders to organize by location and we want to see only assignments for the Old Chapel, we do not see assignments for the Main Sanctuary on the schedule as well.
Schedules: Live Schedule Posts and exporting a schedule
When creating a Live Schedule Post or exporting a schedule, we can easily select an entire folder with one click.
Simply go to the Included Ministries section of the either the “Online layout and options” window for Live Schedule Posts, or the Export Schedule window, select “Include only these ministries:”, and click on the folder name to highlight the whole folder.
Web Terminal: Declare a Leader for a folder
We can also easily designate Leaders for an entire folder:
- Go to the Administrators pane on the left hand side of MSP and click the "+" button to begin declaring a new Leader. (Note: if you don’t see the Administrators pane, click here to install the free update.)
- After choosing your new Leader from your list of volunteers or entering their information, in the "Role" section, select "Leader".
- Click anywhere in the Ministries section, then mouse over the folder for which they will be Leader and a drop-down menu will appear to the right and click it to make this volunteer a Leader for that folder:
Announcements: Easily email an entire folder
MSP also gives us the ability to email an entire folder at once:
- Go to the Announcements pane in MSP and prepare the email that is to be sent out.
- Click inside the "To" line and delete "All volunteers", then click anywhere inside of the "To" line and a drop down menu will appear with your ministries.
- Mouse over the ministry folder to which you want the email sent, and click on it. This will include the entire folder in the "To" line.
Rosterizer: Easily include an entire folder
When using the Rosterizer to create rosters of our volunteers, we can easily select an entire folder with one click.
Similarly to when creating a Live Schedule Post or exporting a schedule, we simply go to the Included Ministries section of the Rosterizer pane, select “Include only these ministries:”, and click on the folder name to highlight the whole folder.
*Note: Ministry folders are available in the Plus Edition of Ministry Scheduler Pro. If you'd like to upgrade your subscription to the Plus Edition, you can log in to your account.