How to track background checks and training dates


Need to track volunteer information that doesn't fit into one of MSP's pre-formatted fields? Now it's possible! With MSP's Plus Edition you can keep tabs on background checks, certifications, training dates, grade levels, birthdays and more!

  1. From the Volunteers pane of MSP, click on a volunteer's name, and click the "Edit Volunteer..." button.
  2. In the profile, click the "Edit custom fields..." button that you will see in the lower left portion of the window.
  3. A new window will open and in the lower left, click the "Manage fields..." button:
  4. Now, click on the "New field" button in the upper right:
  5. You can create custom fields that track a variety of data types: text, number, date, checkbox, and list of options. For Background Checks, choose the "checkbox" option. For Training Date, choose "date" option.
  6. Once you create the field, it will appear in the main part of the screen, where you can set a value for the field for that volunteer.
  7. When you edit other volunteers, the custom fields you have defined will be available for them as well.

NOTE: Custom fields are available in MSP's Plus Edition only. Once you've created custom fields, you can include them in Rosters and run filters to communicate with people meeting certain criteria (e.g. Send an email to all volunteers whose training date is over one year old).

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