Using MSP in "Read-only" mode



If you would like someone to have access to MSP so they can run reports, print schedules, and send emails but you don't want them to be able to change any existing information, you can set up their installation to be "Read-only." By doing so, you allow them to access the key features of the program but you avoid the risk of your database being compromised.

  1. Open up your copy of MSP, and click on the Licensing pane - it's the last option on the left-hand side of MSP's main screen.
  2. Click on the "Yes" next to the text "This computer can change data" in the middle of the screen.mceclip0.png
  3. In the new dialog that pops up, select the option that says "Only allow this computer to view data, send emails, and run reports; not change data". You will need to input the administrator's password and click OK.
NOTE: MSP users operating in "Read-only" mode will be able to change information while inside of MSP, however, the changes will not be saved. Absolutely no changes to ministers, ministries, service times or open schedules will ever be recorded.
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