One-Way Synchronization


MSP offers a one-way synchronization with the following programs:

  • Access ACS
  • ACS People
  • PDS Church Office
  • ParishSoft
  • PowerChurch Plus
  • Logos
  • LabOra
  • Church Management Solutions
  • Schedule Maker v6.x
  • LTP Schedule Make v7.x
  • Harmony Media Schedule Maker
  • ZLC Ministry Scheduler

MSP does not sync with any of the cloud-based versions of these programs, but if you are using the cloud-based version, you can: 

  • Export from your church management system to csv files and Import the .csv files into MSP
  • Reach out to your church management system and encourage them to develop a 2-way snc with MSP using our API

In a one-way sync, information from the church management system (CMS) is sent in to MSP to either create new volunteers, or update existing ones. MSP will synchronize volunteer contact information and ministries for active, qualified volunteers. MSP cannot pull service preferences from a CMS. 


First sync

The first time you sync with one of these programs, MSP matches any names from the CMS that are identical to those in MSP and will update the volunteer profile in MSP (if one exists) or create a new volunteer profile.  When this happens, MSP links the volunteer profile in each program by an internal ID number. 


Subsequent syncs

After the first time you sync, MSP will continue to update existing volunteer profiles with the corresponding contact information from the CMS, even if you change the volunteer name. 

If a volunteer is removed from a ministry in the CMS, that person will not be removed from the ministry in MSP. However, if they are added to a ministry that syncs with MSP, they will be added to new ones. 

In order to add new volunteers or update existing volunteer information, or add new ministries to MSP from your CSM, you will need to run the sync again. 


Sending info from MSP to your CMS

If you have information from MSP that you want to send to your CMS, you will want to use the Rosterizer to export your volunteer information from MSP and then import it into your CMS. 

To learn more about how to perform a synchronization take a look at this video.

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