How do I turn on automatic processing for my web forms?


If a web form is sitting in your unprocessed web forms area, that means you as the administrator must first process it for it to become active. To do this, click on the Web Forms pane, click on the form, and click the "Process form" button.

If you want to set these forms to be processed automatically, after you have processed all forms that are pending your approval, go to the Web Terminal pane inside of MSP.

Profile Forms

1. Click on the "Web Terminal settings..." button at the topmceclip0.png

2. Click on the Profile Changes heading on the left - you will notice this dialog has a heading on the left related to every type of form that a volunteer can submit online.

3. Changing anything on the My Profile tab results in a Profile Change form. In this dialog after you click on Profile Changes, check the second option that says, "Automatically process profile change forms."

4. If you click on the Notes section under Profile Changes, you can also choose "Require manual (vs. automatic) processing of all profile change forms that include notes" so that if a form is submitted with notes, you will not miss it. 

5. Then click OK. In the future, all profile changes will be processed automatically (except ones containing notes, if that option is selected).

Other Forms

You can explore the other headings in this dialog to check if other forms are set to be processed automatically as well. These include: 

  • Enrollment Forms where new volunteers sign up (You can also specify only Enrollment forms that have notes require manual processing by clicking on Notes after setting Enrollment forms to process automatically)
  • Assignment Forms where volunteers request to fill unfilled positions
  • Swap/Trade Requests and Accepts where volunteers sub for each other or trade positions
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