Schedule a group of volunteers with one volunteer profile


Group volunteers are used to represent groups (like Knights of Columbus or the youth group) that are filling multiple volunteer roles at a given service. You do not need to know the names and contact information for the individual volunteers the group will be sending – just the primary contact for the group. When placing a group in the schedule, you will be able to specify how many people from that group are needed/expected.

Creating a group

  1. Go to the Volunteers pane on the left hand side of MSP, and click the "New Volunteer..." button
  2. Name the group, check the "Is a group" box, add any information you have for the main contact of the group, and qualify the group for the appropriate ministries


Scheduling a group

  1. To add the group to a schedule, go to the Schedules pane of MSP and open your schedule
  2. Click on a position in a service, and double-click the group name to assign the group
  3. In the new window, specify how many volunteers from that group will fill each ministry where they are qualified at the service, and click OK


Self sign-up as a group

The group contact can also sign up for slots online through the Web Terminal by clicking "Volunteer now" for any available positions at a service, and will not be limited in the number of open positions they sign up for in the qualified ministries. 


Note: Group volunteer scheduling is available in MSP's Plus Edition only.

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