Add a resource to the service view


The MSP administrator at your church manages the access you need to accomplish the tasks in the article below. If you cannot access a feature or are having trouble, please contact your MSP administrator for further assistance.

1. Sign in to your account on your church's Web Terminal

2. Click on your name in the upper right corner of the Web Terminal and select "Switch to Admin View", then click on the Schedules pane.

3. Click on the day and service where you want to add a resource

4. Click on the date and time of the service in green


5. Now, click on the words "Add another resource" in the Resources section and choose to add a file, a link, or a reading module


6. Next, name your resource and add the link or file. Choose at which services you want the resource to be shown, and optionally apply a filter to only show the resource to particular volunteers.


Note: For reading modules, you will not need to name the resource as those resources already have names.

7. Click "Save" to save the new resource.

Once you have added your resources, you can re-order the list of resources by dragging and dropping:


Note: for resources that appear at more than one service, the ordering of resources will be the same everywhere -- meaning that re-ordering the resources at one service will re-order them for all services.

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