Adding a volunteer or unfilled position to a service


The MSP administrator at your church manages the access you need to accomplish the tasks in the article below. If you cannot access a feature or are having trouble, please contact your MSP administrator for further assistance.

Add an unfilled position

1. Sign in to your account on your church's Web Terminal

2. Click on your name in the upper right corner of the Web Terminal and select "Switch to Admin View", then click on the Schedules pane.

3. Click on the day of the service you want to edit

4. Click on the date and time of the service you wish to add a position to and change the number of unfilled positions in the ministry to the appropriate number


Add a volunteer

1. Sign in to your account on your church's Web Terminal

2. Click on your name in the upper right corner of the Web Terminal and select "Switch to Admin View", then click on the Schedules pane.

3. Click on the day of the service you want to edit

4. Select an unfilled position

5. Click on the name of the volunteer you wish to assign to this position in the list on the right.


Notes: You can use the "Only show volunteers who..." and "And who pass | this filter..." options to limit or reveal more volunteers. 

6. Double-click the volunteer's name or drag and drop to assign the volunteer.

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