Leader privileges are edited from within the Administrators section of the Web Terminal settings window.
- Go to the Administrators pane on the left-hand side of MSP. (Note: if you don’t see the Administrators pane, click here to install the free update.)
- If you have not already done so, declare your Leader(s).
- To edit privileges for a specific Leader, click in the Privileges section and add or remove privileges from the list that appears:
What each privilege means:
- Request subs - This setting allows Leaders to submit sub requests on behalf of the volunteers in their ministries from within the Schedule pane of the Admin tab online.
- Edit assignments - This setting allows Leaders to add and remove volunteers from positions shown in the Schedule pane, as well as flag volunteers as no shows or extras for a position.
- Edit service plans - This setting allows Leaders to make changes to the service plan pages in the Web Terminal.
- Submit profile changes - This setting allows Leaders to edit volunteer profiles the way administrators do in the desktop MSP software. Leaders will only be able to add/remove ministries and services times over which they are Leader according to the settings box above. Only Leaders with this ability will have access to the Volunteers pane in the Admin tab online.
- Send emails - This setting allows Leaders to send emails to volunteers in their ministries from the Announcements pane of the Admin tab.
- Send text messages - This setting allows Leaders to send text messages to volunteers in their ministries from the Announcements pane.