Are you looking for an easier way to import your volunteer spreadsheets? Do you want to also import custom fields? Importing volunteers as a Web Admin is probably the solution!
- Make yourself a Web Admin and log into the Web Terminal Admin view.
- In the Volunteers pane of the Admin View, click the import button.
- Add your spreadsheet (we recommend one per ministry, subdivision, or title group for easier tagging in step 5) and click "Map Columns."
- Add your spreadsheet (we recommend one per ministry, subdivision, or title group for easier tagging in step 5) and click "Map Columns."
- For each column, you will see the first few lines of the spreadsheet. Choose the MSP field (or create a new custom field if there is none) that you want that information to be added to in the volunteer profile.
- If there is a field you do not want to add, just leave the mapped field column blank.
- Then click "Add."
- Choose the ministry qualification you want to add to all volunteers being imported. If a ministry has subdivisions and/or titles, you will also need to choose the subdivision/title you want to assign to the volunteers being imported.
- Choose if you want to import new volunteers (and optionally add them to family groupings where relevant) and update existing, or if you only want to update existing volunteers.
- Click "Import." Once successfully imported, you will get a confirmation message telling you how many new volunteers were created and how many existing volunteer profiles were updated.
Since the volunteer import can both add new volunteers and update existing ones, this is a great option to use after volunteer training to both add new volunteers and update existing volunteer training dates, all at the same time!