If you are trying to reset your password in the Web Terminal or the mobile app and receive an error message stating, "That email does not match any we have on file. Please try again or contact your scheduling administrator," there are a few reasons this may happen:
- It is possible that you are on the login page for a different church. Each church that uses MSP has its own unique Organization ID that is used in the mobile app, and its own unique login page for the Web Terminal. Double-check with your scheduling administrator to make sure you have the correct Organization ID or Web Terminal login link.
- It is possible that your email address is entered differently in MSP than it is being typed when trying to reset your password. For example, if your email is listed as "mspvolunteer@gmail.com" in MSP, but you are typing "msp.volunteer@gmail.com" or "m.s.p.volunteer@gmail.com", the email address will not be recognized. Even though gmail treats these email addresses as being the same, they are technically still different email addresses. Try entering your email address differently, or contact your scheduling administrator to confirm how your email address has been entered in MSP.
- If you use multiple email addresses, it is possible your MSP account is associated with a different email address than the one you are entering. Confirm that the email address you are entering is the email address where you receive emails from MSP.