Why are volunteers not able to add a yearly service preference to their profile?


If yearly service times are not appearing online in the My Profile tab of the Web Terminal for volunteers to add to their preferred serving times, it is due to a setting in the Web Terminal settings dialog.

To allow volunteers to add yearly service times to their list of preferred services:

  1. Go to the Web Terminal pane inside of MSP and click on the “Web Terminal settings...” button that appears at the top of the tab.
  2. In the new dialog box that appears, click on the “Profile Changes” section on the left and then the “Service preferences” subsection that will appear below that.
  3. Check the fourth box down that says, “Allow volunteers to see and request yearly services as preferences”.
  4. Click OK in this window and then the “Commit Changes” button and volunteers will then be able to add yearly service times to their profile.
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