How do I create a list of only people who are scheduled during a specific time period?


In the admin view of the Web Terminal as a Web Admin

  1. In the Rosters pane in the admin view of the Web Terminal, click on the "+" button in the upper right to begin creating a roster:
  2. When you are configuring the Fields section for this roster, be sure to include "Scheduled services" in the list of "Fields to include":
  3. When you have finished configuring the roster, click the "Save" button. A dialog will appear containing options for the "Scheduled services" field. Specify the start and end dates of the time period for which you'd like to generate the list of scheduled volunteers, and make sure the "Completely exclude volunteers from this email or roster who are not scheduled for any position that matches the given criteria" option is checked:
  4. Click "OK" when finished.
  5. This roster will now appear in the Rosters pane of the Web Terminal, where it can be edited, downloaded, duplicated, or deleted.

In the MSP desktop software

First, make sure you have a copy of the schedule open.

  1. In the Rosterizer pane, under Included Fields, add the Scheduled Services field.
  2. When you click on "Generate Roster", a window will appear which will contain options for the Scheduled Services token.
  3. Specify the start and end dates of the time period during which you'd like to generate the list of people who have been scheduled. 
  4. Make sure the "Completely exclude volunteers from this email or roster who are not scheduled for any position that matches the given criteria" option is checked.

Now only volunteers who were scheduled at least once during the period you specified will be included in your roster.

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