1. Open a schedule inside of MSP.
2. Click on any day where you have services, and then select a service on that date.
3. Click the "Edit plan..." button at the top of the window to be taken out to the web.
4. Click the "Add another resource" link under the Resources area, and choose "Add a reading module"
5. Select from the drop down the reading module you would like. The available options are:
- USCCB Daily Readings
- Audio for USCCB Daily Readings
- USCCB Lecturas Diarias (which is the daily reading in Spanish)
6. In the "Show this resource" drop down, you will likely want to choose "every single service" so that the readings show on a schedules for all services. This will include services on schedules that have not yet been created.
You can optionally choose to set a filter so the readings only show to Lectors, for example.
7. Click Save to attach the readings to your services