Can I import my information from HawkeyeSW ChurchScheduler?


Yes you can import your ministers' names and phone numbers from ChurchScheduler by following these steps:

  1. First open up ChurchScheduler and then click on "Phone List". Then click on the "Details" tab. Then click on "Copy All".
  2. Now open up MS Excel (or any other spread sheet program) and click on the first cell in the spread sheet. Now choose "Paste" from the "Edit" menu. You should see all your minister information pasted into the spread sheet and aligned properly by column.
  3. Now delete all columns except for the first three (Last name, First name, and Phone) by right clicking on the column heading and then choosing "Delete column". Now choose "Save as" from the File menu. In the save dialog that appears, make sure to choose ".csv" from the Format menu. Then click Save and remember where you saved your file.
  4. Now open up Minister Scheduler Pro and click "Import volunteers..." from the File menu. Add the columns "Last Name", "First Name", and "Phone" to the "Fields to import" list. Make sure the columns appear in that exact order in the "Fields to import" list. Now click on the Import button and locate the file that you saved in step (3), and click Open.

Following those steps should allow you to easily import your ministers' names and phone numbers from HawkeyeSW ChurchScheduler. If you run into difficulties email us at for assistance.

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