Resend an announcement to volunteers for whom it bounced


When an email bounces to a volunteer, it is often due to the fact that their email address needs to be updated, or a service interruption occurred for their carrier. In either of these cases, once the issue is resolved, you likely will want to try resending your email to those volunteers. In order to make that easier, follow these steps. 


  1. Go to the Announcements pane
  2. Click on the title of the announcement you want to resend
  3. In the new view, click and drag to highlight the body of the email
  4. Hold CTRL (or on a Mac, hold Command) and then press the C button on your keyboard to copy the text of the email
  5. Close the email you are viewing
  6. Now choose "Open report" from the drop-down on the right side of the email
  7. In the upper right, use the announcement icon to "Compose an announcement to recipients for which this announcement bounced" and click "Email" 
  8. Click in the body of the email. Hold the CTRL key (or on a Mac, the Command key) and type V to paste the body of the original message
  9. Enter in the subject line, then preview and send the message
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