Easily post your regular schedules with the special services hidden from view so that you can take care of those later!
Hide them from Live Schedule Posts
- Go to the Web Terminal pane
- Click on Full Schedules
- Click on your Live Schedule Post that contains the special services, then click the "Settings..." button located to the right of the Live Schedule Posts list.
- In the Included Services section, click to only include the selected services and select all of the services except the ones you don't want volunteers to sign up for
- Click "Save"
- Repeat if you have additional Live Schedule Posts that contain these services
- Click "Commit Changes" when you are done
- Once you are ready to open them to sign up, we recommend just making one Live Schedule Post for those special services
Hide them on the app and emails
- Go to the Web Terminal pane
- Click on "Settings..." and then "Token options..."
- Uncheck the "Show only tokens that are included in the content of this tab" box in the lower left corner
- Go to All Available Positions options (click on the left for it to bring you there in the screen on the right)
- Where it says "Include only these services:", check to include all of the services except the ones you want to remain hidden
- Repeat this for Swap Requested Positions options
- Click OK and "Commit Changes"
- When you are ready to open these positions, repeat this to uncheck those boxes